La espera / The Delay
Venezuela | Daniel Paz Mireles | 12:17 min
Wednesday, June 24, 2:30 pm
Auditorium Center for Worker Education
25 Broadway, 7th Floor. New York, NY 10004
A flock of birds circles over the swamp. On the dusty pavement, a person's leftover belongings fade away. Grass grows over the half-decrepit collapsed buildings, but a fresh breeze blows through them as well. In the motel, the day passes at the pace of waiting.
Daniel Paz Mireles was born in Venezuela, in 1983. After graduated as Geophysical engineer, he began studying Philosophy at the UCV. He has Master in Geology, and he studied Film Editing at the School of Cinematography and Audiovisual of the Community of Madrid (ECAM). He made the documentary film "La espera" during his time at the film school.

Error involuntario / Involuntary Mistake
El Salvador | Pilar Colomé | 5:00 min
Tuesday, June 23, 2:30 pm
Auditorium Center for Worker Education
25 Broadway, 7th Floor. New York, NY 10004
Juan makes his living working as a taxi driver. One day, he received a signed letter of extortion by gangs, where he is threaten to kill his 15 year old son if he doesn’t pay an amount of money. His son reads the letter by accident and the impact causes him a turnover in his life.
Pilar Colomé (1970). Salvadorian-Spanish. Film producer, specialized in documentaries, educational videos and a specialization in Film Postproduction from the Film Training Centre of Mexico (CCC). With 17 years of experience producing films in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Winner of documentary category at “The Americas Film Festival of New York 2014” with "Jocelyn an the Coyote".
Umbrella House
USA | Catalina Santamaria | 10:40 min
Wednesday, June 24, 2:30 pm
Auditorium Center for Worker Education
25 Broadway, 7th Floor. New York, NY 10004
Since the 1970’s to the 1990’s hundreds of buildings have been taken away from their owners in New York City because of tax arrears by the NYC Government. But these buildings in the hands of the City have been left to collapse or be demolished. “Umbrella House" reveals the stories of some immigrants and artists from the squatter community that took over abandoned buildings in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, reconstructed them and made them into homes.
Catalina works as an independent videographer and editor in New York City where she moved to study Film Production at The New School. Catalina’s previous films includes LUMINESCENCE , EXCEPT MY SOUL, and DERAIL.

Ask The Time
Mexico-USA | Yamil Quintana | 9:13 min
Thursday, June 25, 2:30 pm
Auditorium Center for Worker Education
25 Broadway, 7th Floor. New York, NY 10004
Invisible questions thrown at four individuals. Alec, a young serbian immigrant who's trying to tame the ghosts of the past and the present, which leave him in a whirlwind of emotions. Sophie tells how she lost her mind because of her family's defragmentation. Anna reveales through her own bitter story how innocence produced monstrous episodes of cruelty in her infancy and Cian talks about the tremendous loneliness and social misunderstanding which he faces after the death of his brother.
Y.Q, mexican filmmaker, his works have been exhibited at the International Festival of Video Art in Argentina and the Baluard Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Majorca, among others.

Green Card
USA / Spain | Pilar Rico & David Whitmer | 08:00 min
Thursday, June 25, 4:30pm
King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center
53 Washington Square S, New York, NY 10012
Bwtn. Thompson and Sullivan Street
“Green Card” is a film about a song and its author, Mohammad Rahman, a convenience store owner from Bangladesh who lives in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Prompted by homesickness, Mohammed began writing songs while driving a taxi in NYC and has since recorded three CDs of his music. The film follows him as he works the overnight shift in his store, and features a performance of his song "Green Card" by his neighbor, a young musician of Bangladeshi descent.
Pilar Rico is a Director/Editor from Spain based in NYC. She has produced short films in both Spain and the U.S. (Más que a mi suerte, Welcome to the World, Playing Goodbye) and just finished the editing of the feature documentary, Grazers: A Cooperative Story. Pursuing his interests in both music and indigenous culture, David Whitmer has studied and recorded the traditional music in Veracruz, Mexico, southern Belize and Malaysia. This is his first film.

8mm from a Bolivian Affair
Romania | Daniel Djamo | 14:00 min
Thursday, June 25, 2:30 pm
Auditorium Center for Worker Education
25 Broadway, 7th Floor. New York, NY 10004
In October 2012 I was given two stories of a German sailor in the shape of 2 rolls of 8mm film. The movies were made somewhere in the late sixties. The sailor is a woman who knows 12 foreign languages and has truly wondered the whole world.
Daniel Djamo (b.1987, Bucharest) is a young Romanian artist and film director, interested in personal and group histories and stories and in themes such as the national identity. Winner of the ESSL award (ESSL museum, Vienna), Henkel Art.Award. Young artist prize CEE (mumok, Vienna), Startpoint Prize Romania and the Grand Prize of the National University of Fine Arts from Bucharest.

Runasimiwan Kawsay / Living Quechua
USA | Christine Mladic Janney | 18:00 min
Tuesday, June 23, 2:30 pm
Auditorium Center for Worker Education
25 Broadway, 7th Floor. New York, NY 10004
Although her first language is Quechua, Elva Ambía prioritized speaking Spanish and English after leaving Peru for the US. Now in her seventies, Elva decides to help cultivate a Quechua-speaking community in New York City. Living Quechua follows Elva through the challenges and successes of trying to keep Quechua alive.
A Brooklyn-based filmmaker, photographer, and digital media producer, Christine Mladic Janney is involved in Quechua and Kichwa outreach initiatives across NYC, and is pursuing a PhD in Anthropology at NYU.

USA | Yusaku Kanagawa| 12:29 min
Wednesday, June 24, 2:30 pm
Auditorium Center for Worker Education
25 Broadway, 7th Floor. New York, NY 10004
Albert has dedicated the past few months of his life to the movement of graffiti art. He has lived in Bushwick in Brooklyn for the past 10 years. There are a lot of buildings called “projects” in this area. He wants to change the tough neighborhood with the graffiti-art-project, “JMZ Walls”.
Yusaku Kanagawa is Japanese documentary photographer. I was born in Aichi Prefecture, Japan. I used to work for Japanese nation-wide newspaper "Asahi Shimbun" as a photographer. Last year, I came to New York and am studying documentary film at New York Film Academy for 1 year.

Abecé / ABC’s
Cuba | Diana Montero | 15:00 min
Tuesday, June 23, 2:30 pm
Auditorium Center for Worker Education
25 Broadway, 7th Floor. New York, NY 10004
Faced with the authority of her husband, Leoneidi, a 12 years old girl who lives inside the Sierra Maestra of Cuba, is torn between the game, motherhood and its obligations as a wife.
Graduated in Art History from the Faculty of Arts and Letters in the University of Havana, Diana Montero (Cuba) is a documentary director from the 23rd Generation of the International Film and Television School of San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba (EICTV). She has directed several documentary shorts. At the moment, she is post-producing her documentary short “At the same place” and developing her first long feature, “Nest”.